This is a multi-part series that explores the financial health of
the Jacksonville Jaguars. In order to put the Jags financial data into perspective it is necessary to understand stadium capacity
and attendance data also. Those statistics are best understood when put in the context of regional population. Population
data is from the 2000 US Census. All other data is from the 2004 season.
The recent hullabaloo over who should receive electronic signage revenue at Alltel Stadium
sparked a controversy over whether or not this town was sufficiently supporting it's NFL franchise. So we will look
into the data and see where we stand in support of our franchise. will look at fan support of the Jaguars (attendance
and gross receipts). We'll look at the financial value of the franchise and it's growth in value over the years. We will look
at the Stadium Lease and other public support of the franchise to see how it measures up. And we will look at ownership's
support of this franchise and measure their financial commitment to the development of the team.
At the end of this series we should all have a better understanding of facts rather than rhetoric
and an understanding of which parts of the community measure up to their obligations; the fans, the city, and the ownership.